Say “Thanks!” to an amazing teacher with these 15 Clever and Memorable Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas!
The end of the school year is upon us! Already! I can’t believe how fast it flew by! My kids are so excited for summer break and I’m eager to have them home all day for lots of fun and adventure (so long as they’re getting along, haha!).
I always love to send a gift with them to school to thank their wonderful teachers, so I’ve been brainstorming some cute ideas. I found these creative gifts on Pinterest and I can’t decide which one to go with! I think I’ll let my kiddos make the final decision. 🙂
Don’t forget about Teacher Appreciation Day on May 7th! Educators do so much to shape kids’ lives! They are amazing and deserve a huge pat on the back (and maybe some donuts and flowers too). 🙂
Berry Good Teacher Gift from Giggles Galore and Dimple Prints
Flower Pail Teacher Gift from Bren Did
Thirst for Knowledge Teacher Appreciation Gift from Crazy Little Projects
EOS Flower Teacher Appreciation Gift from The Suburban Mom
Lemonade Teacher Gift from I Dig Pinterest
Muffin Teacher Appreciation Gift from A Glimpse Inside
Noteworthy Teacher Appreciation Gift from I Dig Pinterest
Pencil Mason Jar Teacher Gift from A Night Owl Blog
You’re a Star Starburst Teacher Gift from I Dig Pinterest
Target Gift Card Teacher Gift from Coupons Are Great
Donut Teacher Gift from Bren Did
Smartie Pants Teacher Gift from Uncommon Designs
Movie Night Teacher Gift from Things I Can’t Say
Treat Teacher Appreciation Gift from I Dig Pinterest