There is no rule that says meat has to go on a sandwich with vegetables. There is nothing wrong with a purely vegetarian sandwich. You’d be surprised how many kids would enjoy eating them. An olive and tomato sandwich might sound weird, but they’re two ingredients that are often put on pizza, so why not a sandwich. All you need to make this sandwich is some mayonnaise, black olives, tomatoes, green leaf lettuce, and sliced cheddar cheese. You can add a little salt and pepper for taste and your child will probably love it.ROAST BEEF ROLL-UPS
Doing something simple like replacing bread with a wrap can go a long way. Wraps will switch things up and give your children a little bit of a different taste in their lunch box. Roast beef and cheddar is a great place to start when switching to the wrap. It’s simple, yet it tastes completely different than other types of sandwiches you have probably made. Horseradish is something that is eaten often with roast beef. It’s served in packets with roast beef sandwiches at fast food joints and alongside prime rib at high-end restaurants. Horseradish might be a little too much for your little ones, but some horseradish mayonnaise might give the wrap the little kick that it needs. Hampton Creek makes a horseradish version of Just Mayo that you can have your kids try.BLT SANDWICH
Bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches don’t seem to be as popular as they once were, which is quite a shame. BLTs have been around for decades, they’re easy to make, and they’re absolutely delicious. In the morning, fry some extra bacon when you make some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Put together a BLT sandwich for your kids and wrap it in aluminum foil. It might still be warm by the time your kids go to lunch at school. For an extra delicious taste, put butter on each slice of bread and fry it like a grilled cheese first. This helps keep the bread from getting soggy and it tastes amazing.PEANUT BUTTER AND BANANA SANDWICH
Peanut butter and jelly is good, but it starts getting old after a while. If your child can bring peanut butter to school, try peanut butter and banana. Bananas and peanut butter go together so nicely and your child will have a guaranteed serving of fruit for the day. Just thin slice a banana the long way and lay the slices across the bread after you put peanut butter on each slice. The banana will stick to the peanut butter and you won’t have to worry about it sliding out of your child’s sandwich. You can even drizzle some honey on it before you put the sandwich together for some extra flavor.ANTI-PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH
If your child can’t bring peanut butter to school, it doesn’t mean PB&J is completely off limits. Although you can’t use actual peanut butter, you can use other nut butters that are just as delicious. Sun butter, almond butter, and cashew butter are just a few of the choices that you have. Sun butter tends to be a favorite of most kids because it’s creamier and doesn’t have the strong nut taste of the others. Sun butter is a butter made from sunflower seeds, so that’s pretty much what it tastes like. It’s pleasant, delicious, and healthy. It’s great with jelly, honey, bananas, and anything else peanut butter works well with.
Your child doesn’t need to take the same old boring and plain sandwiches to school every day. There are so many options out there. You can do something simple like adding bacon to a turkey sandwich and making it a club or go out of the box and try one of these creative sandwich ideas.