Dessert doesn’t get much more delicious than these bars that are loaded with pecans, a sweet brown sugar and cinnamon filling that bubbles when baking, and finished off with a to-die-for crumbly pie-type topping!
I’m kind of obsessed with pecans. Most of my kids don’t like nuts, so I don’t often put them into the confections that I make, but today’s delectable beauties just wouldn’t be the same without them!
So, by making these, I pretty much just guaranteed that my husband and I would have them all to ourselves. 🙂 Because I’m sly like that. 🙂
The crunchy texture is unmatched and the crust and crumb topping are unbeatable! Not to mention the gorgeous golden brown filling that distributes itself generously and perfectly among the other components when baked. The total effect is pure bliss!
I was trying to achieve a pecan pie-like bar, so I took some inspiration from the ever-popular Dutch Apple Pie Bars and Dutch Peach Pie Bars. You guys like your pie, apparently. But I admire and commend you for your impeccable taste. 🙂
These sort of taste like a nut-loaded candy bar. Yes, they’re a wonderful way to splurge and unwind after a long week or just pat yourself on the back after a day well played.
I’ve been working on Halloween treats in the kitchen over the past week and about half have been flops, so I was just glad to finally have a BIG dessert success in the kitchen. I needed that boost to my self esteem after literally throwing out pans of this and that.
So thank you Pecan Bars for reinstating my faith in the fact that I can bake! 🙂
Cinnamon and pecans just scream “autumn” to me! These bars are a wonderful way to celebrate the start of a new season, my favorite season, actually.
The sweet sauce, combined with the yummy nuts reminds me of a candied pecan, which in my book is the equivalent of heaven.
These would be perfect for fall potlucks and even an after Thanksgiving day pick-me-up. Because we all know how depressing it is when feast day is over and we don’t have the excuse to eat like there’s no tomorrow and calories don’t exist. 🙂 It’s always a sad realization for me.
1/2 c. pecans, chopped
2 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. oats
2/3 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. butter, melted
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 c. whole pecans
1/2 c. brown sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 c. light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 Tbsp. water
1/4 tsp. baking soda
Prepare 9″x13″ pan by greasing or spraying with nonstick baking spray. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. For the crust, stir together pecans, flour, oats, brown sugar and cinnamon. Incorporate melted butter completely until all the mixture is moistened by it. **Reserve 1 c. of the crust mixture for the topping. Press remaining crust mixture into the bottom of a 9″x 13″ pan and bake for about 9 minutes.
While crust is baking, prepare filling by stirring together all ingredients in a sauce pan over medium heat on the stove top. Allow mixture to come to a boil while stirring constantly, then remove from heat immediately.
Once crust is done, pour and spread filling mixture over, sprinkle remaining 1 c. of crust crumble mixture over the top of the filling and return to the oven to bake for another 15 minutes, give or take a few minutes. Let cool, then slice into squares.
I hate to be bossy, but seriously you need to bolt to the kitchen right now and make these. You’ll love yourself for doing so! Trust me.
Happy Fall!
Edye | Http://