Let the kids line up and have some outdoor fun with this cute Watermelon Ring Toss Game!
I remember very vividly, growing up, spending most of my summer days outdoors with my siblings building huts, riding our bikes to the candy store downtown, playing tag, water games, kickball, dodgeball, and steal the flag until late until the evening. We always dreading watching the sun go down and having to quit.
We rarely headed indoors, unless it was for a meal, because we drank water from the garden hose to quench our thirst. We made so many memories in our yard with friends and neighbors.
It was on our front lawn that my sisters and I taught ourselves to do cartwheels, backbend kick-overs, and front handsprings. We spent hours out there on the grass practicing. We were determined to master those gymnastic moves and we did!
My cousins lived across the street, so they’d come over early in the morning and we’d start the fun. We loved having races around the house and playing kick the can with them.
With technology being such a prevalent part of our lives nowadays, kids in general are spending less time playing outside and much more time on the screen. 70% of moms played outside when they were kids and only 31% of their kids play outside today. That’s a pretty disheartening statistic!
I’m determined not to let my kids fall victim to this trend, so this summer I’ve been on their case often, encouraging them to “Go have an adventure!”
And I’m sure it’s not just by chance that this summer has been the best yet! Even they agree. My kids have discovered the magic of a secret hideout and a newly-formed club that’s accessible by invitation only to the outside kid world. 🙂 And I know I can count on one or two fingers the amount of times I’ve heard the phrase, “I’m bored!”
Creative, active play is always the kind that is remembered in the long run. Plus, it lays the foundation for a healthy, resilient society. I hope that my kids will look back on this time with fondness.
I even put together a little Watermelon Ring Toss Game that they enjoyed playing together on the tennis court.
Here’s how to make it:
Grab some empty, clean glass soda bottles, because we’re going to upcycle them in style! I used eight. You’ll need some green, white and pink craft paint, a foam brush, some masking tape, and a black permanent marker.
Tape off a small section of the bottom and give it a few coats of green paint, allowing it to dry between coats. Next, use a thin brush to paint a white stripe right above the green. I didn’t tape it off this time, just painted carefully. Allow that to dry completely.
Next, paint the remaining portion in pink, giving it a few coats as necessary, and then draw on some black seeds with your permanent marker after it’s dried. It really was an easy craft!
And of course outdoor adventures wouldn’t be complete without a snack break! So we made sure to have CLIF Kid Zbar®s on hand! They’re made with organic ingredients and have important nutrients for active kids.
Plus, they’re available in flavors kids LOVE like Chocolate Chip and Iced Oatmeal Cookie! And they have no high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors (or synthetic preservatives). Now that’s one content face!
CLIF Kid Zbar® is specially-crafted for kids’ developing taste buds like this little one of mine. That smile says it all.
CLIF Kid is dedicated to reclaiming play. Sometimes kids just need a little encouragement to get back outside, push their boundaries and feed their adventures. Check out this CLIF Kid video for ways that you can help kids to run out that door and start making memories!
What are your kids’ favorite outdoor games and activities?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.